Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Last Orangutans

4#  When the author mentions that she was inspired  by a paleontologist named Louis Leakey so she motivated herself to spend time at his camp for helping primates survive such as orangutans.

3# Because they wanted to explain the life of the orangutans before Gladikas introduced herself into their lifes of the orangutans.

5# It illustrates that sometimes a animal would seek revenge aganist somebody who harms them. My dog Juinor in the year of 2004 bit my uncles nuts off because he had hit my dog in the nose or ear so the cops came and put my dog to sleep or shot him. I was in first grade and my father came to pick me up and told me that my dog was dead. ( but my dog was evil anyway,he bit me the most,he bit me 2 times in my arm and my hand on the same arm he bit.

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