Thursday, February 11, 2010

Goree Island/ poem essay

   Goree Island and the poem Liberty and Slavery both have something in common. Its that they express the feelings of a slave. They both tell you what a slave had to go through.They both bring the past and make it the future. In other words they want you know your past and the suffuring that slaves had to go through and how they were treated. This essay is going to explain to you what the poem and the article have in common.
   " How long have I in bondage lain, And longed to be free! Alas!  And must I still complain- Deprived of liberty. " This stanzad from the poem "Liberty and Slavery " applies to the article on Goree Island. It applies to the article because in the article  it tells you how they would collect groups of 12. Six men and Six woman. They would bond them together with neck iron,chains, and heavy weights.
   In the poem, George Moses Horton is telling us that they are bond together. That they been in slavery for so long they dont even know how long. They want to be free and has been for so long. They were deprived of their rights and of their liberty.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Last Orangutans

4#  When the author mentions that she was inspired  by a paleontologist named Louis Leakey so she motivated herself to spend time at his camp for helping primates survive such as orangutans.

3# Because they wanted to explain the life of the orangutans before Gladikas introduced herself into their lifes of the orangutans.

5# It illustrates that sometimes a animal would seek revenge aganist somebody who harms them. My dog Juinor in the year of 2004 bit my uncles nuts off because he had hit my dog in the nose or ear so the cops came and put my dog to sleep or shot him. I was in first grade and my father came to pick me up and told me that my dog was dead. ( but my dog was evil anyway,he bit me the most,he bit me 2 times in my arm and my hand on the same arm he bit.